Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Two words

Poppea e Nerone

Stage before the beginning of Part-Two of Poppea e Nerone in Madrid

La prima starts in a little more than an hour.

You could NOT imagine what acrobacy with my work and time I had to make to come to Madrid for the show... Suffering for art, indeed ;) Cheers

It was all worth it! This is the league on its own... Everything was done with delicacy: knockout cast was lined up with singers who sing their hearts and souls, and who can act [Bravi tutti!]; the orchestra Klangforum is perfect (as we all know it since long time already), and the Warlikowski show is Warlikowski who clearly delivers the best when his his full team is with him (Sczesniak, Ross, Guéguin). There is a ground idea but --as usual with Warli-- he only gives you hints and it's up to you to figure it all out. It's the antithesis of the consumers' theater. More than 4 hours of huge art and I feel reborn :)

More hopefully tomorrow. It will have to wait for Friday afternoon. Sorry guys... Cheers!


  1. How wonderful to be there. Looking forward to your review - the Trovatore one was superb

  2. Hahaha. Forgive me, but I'm glad you suffer so much for art so that we can read your reports. Enjoy the perf!

  3. I would also have loved to see this production. All the right elements are there: warlikowski, boesmans, monteverdi, nadja michael, willard white, klangforum....
    Do you know if this production was / will be recorded on video for distribution on internet / tv / dvd?

  4. I think this production will be successful. Most people loves art depends on the personality. Some people choose the art that can test their endurance and power.

  5. Been there twice. Enjoyed very much.
